Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Little Mr. O

Finally after being rained out twice this wonderful family and I were able to get Mr. O's long overdue birthday photos. I convinced mom to do family shots as well and I think she will be glad they did. Mom was also the savior when she pulled out not one but two lollipops. See my next post for these amazing pics. Can you believe how wonderful they all look? You would never know that it was a typical Texas September evening with a low temp of around 90 and extreme humidity. Mr. O Happy Birthday kiddo you are quite the cutie.

Baby Boy B

I met this mommy at my my meet the teacher night. She was supporting her nephew and just about ready to bring baby B into this world. Shortly after his birth she called and asked me to do his newborn shoot. We had a wonderful time posing him all over the house. If you just met them, you would never know that they are first time parents so calm and together. They looked just as good as their newborn son. I want to thank them for allowing me into their gorgeous house and also the opportunity to capture their first moments with their adorable new son.

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Never A Missed Moment Photography: A New Photography Experience in Kingwood


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