Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Mendoza Family

This mom and I had a lot to talk about! She just added number three to her household and I had a lot of questions. Her daughters are beautiful and very sweet. Her husband was beaming with pride over his girls, however you could just tell how excited he was to have a son. I spent a few hours taking pictures, talking, talking more pictures, taking breaks for feedings, and sharing lots of mom stories.
I can honestly say that I love what I do. I love capturing moments for families and enjoying the look they get when they see the finished product. I find it effortless until I get home and try to perfect any lighting issues or coloring. I hope to see this family again around the holidays and watch their new little guy grow and change.
My household is about to add number three in a few short days, and I sit here wondering who he will look like and what will the birth be like. I have so many thoughts going through my head. I do know that I already love him more than words and hope his brothers will too.
The Mendoza family is blessed to have such a wonderful new edition and I am honored they chose me to come into their home and photograph their beautiful family.

Photography in Kingwood

Never A Missed Moment Photography: A New Photography Experience in Kingwood


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