Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Cutest Cowboy Ever

Well its Mr. A's cowboy birthday bash next week, so the best way to prepare for the big day is try out the goods. WOW this kid had me wrapped around his finger from the second he introduced himself. He posed anyway I asked him to and was excited about it. It was hard picking five picks to post, but mom has around 20 or so to chose from on her disc. Again this shoot did not feel like work it was so much fun. Happy Early birthday A, if I was not booked solid next week I would show up at your party just to see you in this get up again and introduce you to my little cowboys. Oh Well maybe next year.

Perfect Morning for Pictures

I was really worried that this shoot was going to get rained out. Last night the radar showed us at 60% rain at 9:00 AM. We got lucky though and had a cool overcast morning perfect weather for everyone involved. I have to do two posts on this one because the oldest boy Mr. A is having a birthday next week and this was also his cowboy shoot. The family was so wonderful. We laughed and shared stories about our kids and by the end of the shoot, we were talking about getting together for a play date. I will be calling mom soon because I really enjoyed her and my kids will love hers. I rushed home after a soccer game and Chucky Cheese run, put my kiddos down, and started editing the pictures. I hope they love these as much as I do. Now I need to find someone to capture my moment for the upcoming holidays.

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